Saturday, July 7, 2012

New Toy and Gifts sent from LOVE

It has been a while I didn't post any blog entry. I had been busy lately, working here and there. It's quite tiring and exhausted!!! Feels like I am lack of sleeping and relaxing (poor meT.T) But cannot help it, must work hard to earn money.

Can't believe that time pass so fast and now it's July already! Summer is here, are you guys ready for summer? Check out my  Summer Makeup   blog post for Summer Looks *wink*

Please note that this will be quite a long post compare with my other blog entry~

So recently, I bought a new 'toy' gadget for myself *yay!* I was really headache to choose which to buy at first. I was thinking about buying a new camera by Samsung, the multiview one, need to put that in my wishlist already XD But sadly my dad said it was not good enough and the Samsung multiview is quite similar as my Canon bla bla bla... I want the multiview one because it is easier for me to take picture with friends cause you can see whether your pose nice enough or not. Then he said why don't you buy a new tablet, it's more useful than the camera. So, I do some research and I found the Samsung Galaxy Tablet 7.7 P6800 (Okay I must admit that I am a fan of Samsung hehe...) I talk to my dad that I made my decision about buying the tab. All the sudden, my dad said if I'm going to buy the tab, why don't buy the new ipad instead. Urgh!!! I was like, what do you want now? After brainstorming for few weeks, finally thank God I made my last decision by my own (of course with some help and support from my hubby^^) I bought myself a tablet and it was quite pricey for me, it cost me RM 1899 that I almost cannot afford it. Luckily I did save some money at the beginning. Here are some pictures of my new 'toy'.

Ain't that adorable? With pink slim cover,of course :D

Some information about the tab. You can find more about this tablet at
>>>  GSMarena  <<<

I keep hugging this baby when I sleep at night. Nah~ just joking, I usually place it beside my bed cause before I sleep, I will check my e-mail, my Facebook and Instagram. Currently I am quite addicted to Instagram for some reason. If you have Instagram, feel free to find me! My Instagram is
>>>  ellyberry9103  <<<

Next is, I wanted an Urban Decay Naked palette for quite some time but only can purchase it in Kuala Lumpur and it is sooo expensive for a palette of eyeshadow! Well, of course it is cheaper if you compare the palette with high-ends branded eyeshadow palette. Thanks to my lovely hubby, he bought me the Naked palette!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! I cannot believe that he actually bought it to me! I was so shocked to be honest cause usually he will like, why do you need that much makeup, you have enough of those already bla bla bla... I was so grateful and thankful~~~ Thank you my LOVE!!! For most of you might already had one of this or know what is Naked palette. If you do not know what is that, let me show you mine:)

And I need to thanks to my dear lovely friend, Jia Lu for bringing me some goodies from UK^^

The Urban Decay Naked palette, Lancome Juicy Tube, Revlon Lip Butter and Crabtree & Evelyn hand cream

The front and the back of the packaging. The packing is quite simple and straight to the point. The Naked palette comes with a quite tiny small size of the primer potion(which I love). Did I mention that this is the 1st version of the Naked palette?

There are 12 neutrals shades, escalate our ''basics'' in textures of matte, shimmer, satin and sparkle. It's a perfect palette and you can experiment with the office-chic look, deep smoky look or summery bronze look. Inside the palette include their professional quality, not to mention, cruelty-free Good Karma Eyeshadow Brush. Awesome!

Nice view huh? From left to right(name of the eyeshadow, they have interesting name too)
Virgin(favourite, look nice as highlight), Sin(favourite, look wonderful in the inner corner of the eye), Naked, Sidecar(love, a bit of glitter won't hurt *wink), Buck(good for eyebrow filling),Half-Baked(wonderful gold, summery color), Smog, Darkhorse(good for eye-lining), Toasted, Hustle(good for eye-lining too), Creep(a bit of shimmer black eyeshadow) and Gunmetal(silvery-grey, great for deep smokey look).

You have been warned about this long blog entry... Don't worry, last one I nwanna show, I promise :)

Okay the last one I wanna mention is the Revlon Lip Butter. I watched a lot of good review about the lip butter in youtube but I have not get the chance to try it cause I do not know which shade to pick! My friend Jia Lu came back from UK and she bought me one of the lip butter and it is Strawberry Shortcake.

At first I was like, ah another random pink lipstick la la la... When I first try it, OMG I finally understand why is this lip butter rage so popular. I must tell you, IT IS FANTASTIC BABY!!!! It's really soft on your lips, just like BUTTER, no kidding. The color did show up and it's really pretty^^ I'm definitely going to purchase more of this. Must try, thumbs up!

Have you try the Revlon Lip Butter? Tell me how is your feeling or thoughts about it, do you like it or you feel that just another normal lipstick?


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