Tuesday, October 9, 2012

DIY Strawberry Yogurt Acne Mask ♥

I believe that most of us, Malaysian suffer from annoying acne, ugly pimples etc. Let me tell you a secret, I'm one of those people too, I have no perfect baby soft, dolly skin as you imagine.

So many people ask what cause acne.
It's simple.

The f**king hot weather in Malaysia.

Hot temperature or weather making the skin oil secretion increase, or didn't cleanse well our face after wearing makeup or just even sunblock (you should know that even just wearing sunblock, we still have to remove them with makeup remover), or the hormones of our body change can cause acne such as, menstruation or stress.

Why do we have to buy acne products when you can use strawberries?

You must be thinking... What? Strawberries???

Yes! Strawberries :)

Strawberries are a natural source of salicylic acid which is found in most over-the-counter acne medicines, according to Janice Cox, the author of ''Natural Beauty at Home''. This is Cox's recipe, not mine~ And yogurt, yogurt is great for soothing skin.

Let's start^^

- 1/4 cup strawberries (best if you can find the fresh strawberries)
-1/4 cup yogurt (non-flavored)

Mash together the strawberries and yogurt .
Spread on your face for 15 minutes.
Wash them with clean water

Try them out ♥

I hope you found this helpful and enjoy your homemade mask^^


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