Wednesday, December 20, 2017

8 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Younger Self

Hello my beautiful friends

New year is just around the corner and that means, my birthday is going to be here in 2 months time. Since I will be one step closer to 30, I made a list of things I wish I could tell my younger self. Or maybe for you who are younger than me might find it helpful or interesting.

1. Learn to say "no".
It's okay to tell someone "no" or reject one's request sometimes. You have to set some boundaries and know that someone is using you for your kindness.

2. Stay positive at all times.
People can be a bastard sometimes, and I mean, a real pain in the arse. But don't let their poor attitude affect your beautiful day. Don't pay attention to those douchebags and don't waste your time on revenge. Because eventually, they will face their own karma. Keep the good vibes and don't forget to put out positive energy that you seek in return.

3. Be yourself.
Be wary of anyone who tries to change you to suit their ideal. If the boy is unable to accept your flaws, he is not the one. He should love you just the way you are.

4. Aware of fake friends.
They are like shadows, they follow you in the sun but leave you in the dark. (Stole this quote from Google, but it's the fact and I love it) Once they stop talking to you, you know that they start talking about you behind your back. Always remember that having 1 best friend is much better than having lots of so-called friends.

5. Stay strong.
It's okay to cry yourself to sleep. Because life is full of happiness and tears too! But after that, doesn't matter what happens, stand back up and face the reality, be strong and have faith.

6. Don't rush into a relationship.
Let it flow with the wind and take one step at a time. True love will find it's way eventually. Always remember to focus on finding yourself and love yourself before rushing into any relationship.

7. You don't have to please everyone.
If they don't like it then let them be. Everyone has their own opinion and choices. Life isn't about pleasing everyone.

8. SPF is as important as the moisturizer.
I'm a very lazy person, to be honest. I don't have the habit of applying SPF every day and I know it's bad. SPF is important because it protects our skin from harmful UVA/UVB rays and prevents skin aging. I'm sure we don't wish to age so quickly, right *wink*

Ah yes~ The time when I still have bangs and braces on. Good old time LOL!

These are the 8 things I wish I could tell my younger self. What would you tell your younger self if you could?

Elly Berry


  1. That is a piece of good advice or reminder to the younger one.
