Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Year Resolution 2012

How's everyone doing in 2011? Hoping everyone having a fabulous 2011. My 2011 was great. I went for oversea holiday. And of course there were a few hiccups and I did spend my time crying my heart out, but those were ironed out with the good stuff. Now moving on to my New Year Resolution...

1. Sleep earlier, wake up earlier.
When I'm not having any work, I'll sleep until noon mostly and it is not good at all because it becomes a habit of mine.

2. Take better care of my hair.
I dyed my hair before Christmas and I curl my hair in my room when I am too bored very often. I had stop doing hair treatment too. I should get back to the line.

3. Save more money.
I travel quite a lot(for me) this year so I need to save more money to shop. Haha!

4. Drink more water.
I notice that I seldom drink water recently. And I do not wish this to continue so I make this New Year Resolution no. 4.

5. Have confidence in myself
Last but not least, I think I should have confidence in myself on whatever matter.

That isn't too much? Hehe... At the end of the day I just wish to be happy and to be surrounded by equally as happy people to have one big happy time. Happy much? Let me know what your resolutions are?

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