Thursday, February 28, 2013

My Valentine's Day♥

During Valentine's Day, you can imagine my excitement when my boy bring me to our actually first formal Valentine's Day dinner at Sabah Hotel. I was so thrilled that night and holding my tears of joy!

That night when I first walk into the Plantation cafe, the whole atmosphere was so romantic. The lights were dimmed and candle lights were all lighted up. Everything is just perfect♡

When we sit down on our table ( we made a reservation before the night, so we get our own table for just 2 of us :D ), at the corner side there's a menu for the night and I was surprised to see our name in the menu!

How thoughtful are they *heart*

Later then, a well-dressed waiter came to take our orders. I ordered a Mock-tail drink and my boy ordered a glass of red wine. The mock-tail was nice! As for the red wine, my boy said the red wine was just so-so only...

So, our appetizer is...

Beef Carparcio, Meslun Boquet drizzled with Balsamic Vinaigrette

Honestly, I absolutely love this dish so much that you can really feel the beef just melt inside your mouth! aaahhhhh~~~~~ 
With a fabulous appetizer like this, I could not wait to try their main course already.

 Okay the bread should come before the appetizer, the waiter reversed them BUT it's fine. Cause look at these bread! They are in LOVE shape! How can you not love these? They are so sweet :) 
And I must say their bread are the best taste yet~

So, coming up is the soup...

Lobster Bisque with Scallop Tortellini

I must admit that, the first I read the menu for this soup, I don't think I will like this soup. I don't know why but it just feel weird to me, lobster soup... But I was wrong, I like this soup. The soup is very fragrance and surprisingly delicious :)

Next, sherbet before our main course...

Lime Sherbet

The lime sherbet is very appetizing, after all the appetizer, bread and soup. Kinda feel a but full already before hehe!

Before our main course arrive, the waitress surprise me with a lovely rose! Aww~~~ I love rose! But too bad my boy not the kind like to buy rose for me sob...

Happy me!

Here comes the Main Course!

Herb Proncale Lamb Cutlet on Cummin Pumpkin, Pommery Mustard Potato with Garlic Sauce

Just looking at this dish already know it's yummy XP
I'm not really into lamb but this dish is delicious~ The cook even cut the carrot in love shape too! Cute! The Pommery Mustard Potato is under the lamb and they taste fantastic.

Finally, it's time for my favorite dish of all... Dessert, of course LOL

Trio Special Combination from Pastry Chef

I LOVE THEM ALL especially the most right hand side, chocolate cake *HEARTS*

Before we leave, they surprise me again with a box of lovely chocolate :')
Words cannot explain how happy and I can feel that I'm the most luckiest girl!

Having Valentine's Day dinner in Sabah Hotel is truly enjoying and romantic. Overall, I really love and enjoy my night. Thumbs up for all the details they'd done for the night. Oh, the pricing for such a wonderful dinner is RM 180++ It's really worth the price!

I have such a great Valentine's Day dinner that night. Thank you my boy for the wonderful romantic night. I love you!

How's your Valentine's Day go?
Share your Valentine's Day with me :)


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